Tuesday 16 March 2010

Textual Analysis (Will)

For my textual analysis I decided to watch American Psycho starring Christian Bale as a psychopathic killer.
The audience are captivated by the director from the very beginning as we see the protagonist Patrick Bateman speaking to a lady in a rude manner, we then see his daily routine of getting ready which perceives him as being a psycho.
His first killing is performed in a disgusting way as is all his murders. The way he treats women throughout the film is derrogative, he believes that he is the best.
Patrick Bateman is also a very competitive man, he competes with his work colleagues over silly things like business cards.
Another main part of the film is the sex scene between Patrick and two other prostitutes, he films himself with them and we see him flexing his muscles in the mirror which makes him look vain and flash. One of the women find some of the tools that Patrick uses on his victims, she tries to escape from the flat but he hunts her down and manages to throw a chainsaw down which kills her.
Patrick then begins to go mental, he tries to put a cat into a ATM machine to which a woman passer by sees, he shoots her in the chest and runs away from the police and manages to escape, he signs into a flat and enters it crying, still crying he makes a phone call that goes straight to answer phone, we hear that its his lawyer, Patrick leaves a message confessing to all the murders and sick things that he has done.
In the morning after his confession he puts on a surgical mask and then goes into the wardrobes to clean all the dead bodies out, but the place is clean and its been repainted white.
We then see Patrick talking to his lawyer the next day, he questions the lawyer about the answer phone message but the lawyer says it isnt possible that he has committed all these crimes.
The next scene shows Patricks secretary going through his note book and finding some sick drawings page after page.
The film ends with a narration of Patrick talking about whats happened and when the camera zooms in to his eyes at the very end we see a sign behind his head which reads, This Is Not An Exit.