Monday 1 March 2010

Case Study : Scream (philip)

Scream, from the very begining of the movie, sound is present. The movie starts out right away with creepy music in the background, as we see the film start.It is followed by a rumble, as if several doors are bein closed shut. While the errie music is still going the title of the movie is streached out and comes back together with a loaud crash. the feeling of the movie suddenly changesby the phone ringing the ring of the phone cuts out all other sounds for example the heart beat and the erry music by doing this the director is playing on the audiences other sences other than just sight. Another example of sound being used is when Casy begins to flirt with the anonymous man; she lies and tells th caller that she doesn'y have a boyfriend. By doing this the film fits the classic codes and conventions of
popular horror movies by using "naive teenagers". Theres at the feeling that something bad is going to happen. When the viewer realises that this call is not a silly prank call, as the movie continues the tension is getting built up and he slowly building the character to get scared. When casy is being chased by the killer, she goes outside and the viewer can hear is her breathing is fast , full of gasps and sobs. This again creates more tension. The director has also used canted camera alot to give the effect that somethingis going to go wrong in the scences.